It's dress like your favorite holiday tomorrow! Is it Christmas? Halloween? Thanksgiving? Easter? St. Patrick's Day? We can't wait to see!

Tyler County Schools, in collaboration with the Tyler County First Responders, will be conducting a safety exercise on Friday, June 7th at the Tyler Consolidated Middle/High School campus. This drill is designed to enhance preparedness and response capabilities in the event of an emergency.
It is important to note that this is only a drill and there is no cause for alarm as there will be an increased presence of first responders on the campus. June 7th will be considered a Professional Learning Day and no students will be present at the school during the exercise. This ensures that the drill can be conducted safely and effectively without disrupting normal school activities.
The safety exercise will involve various scenarios to test the response of school staff, first responders, and emergency services. These scenarios may include simulated emergencies such as a fire, medical incident, or an active shooter situation. The goal is to evaluate the effectiveness of existing safety protocols and identify areas for improvement.
Tyler County Schools is committed to providing a safe and secure learning environment for all students and staff. We appreciate the cooperation and support of the community, and we encourage everyone to remain calm and vigilant during the exercise.

We have butterflies!!

We started Spirit Week today! It was so fun to see all the students in pajamas today.
Tomorrow is Cartoon Day....what's your favorite cartoon?

Post Testing Spirit Week is May 6 - 10, 2024! We hope all of our students participate in the fun. Who doesn't want to come to school in pajamas on Monday after the weekend? Then be your favorite cartoon character on Tuesday, get in the holiday spirit on Wednesday, dress like your future career on Thursday & show your school pride on Friday.

State testing started today so SES had a pep rally for the students yesterday with the help of Ms. Butcher & the Student Council. They cheered, danced & sang their encouragement to each other while raising the roof!

SES had the great pleasure of hosting Karen Land, an Iditarod dog musher. Karen participated in the 2003 Iditarod & is a dog handler for mushers. She talked to our students about her experiences throughout the years while showing them her equipment. She even brought one of her dogs with her!

Here's the menu for May. Can you believe the school year is almost over? It seems like we just started.

Long Reach Credit Union talked to our Kindergarten classes about the importance of saving money. They were very attentive & asked so many questions.

Mrs. Looney & Mrs. Wable's class unveiled their cocoons today. Students are learning the process of how the cocoon will turn into a butterfly.

Ms. Williams' 3rd Grade ELA students are preparing for the ELA State Summative Assessment by participating in an ELA boot camp. During the boot camp, students are reviewing ELA standards in an engaging way. They are doing a variety of games this week to prepare and motivate the students for the State test.

SES celebrates the arts. The Tyler Consolidated Middle and High School jazz bands played for our students and staff on Thursday, April 18th. SES hosted an arts night after school with an art show and spring choir concert. Thank you to all who came out to celebrate our students and their talents!!!

K-5 students were able to play ATTENDANCE BINGO recently. Attendance Bingo is a Communities In Schools support that gives any student who has missed 3 or less days per nine-week grading period the chance to play bingo and win a prize. Congratulations to our winners and those who got to play!

SES Playground Gets a Facelift - The fourth-grade students at SES enjoyed the new playground equipment that was recently installed. New items included another jungle gym, swings and STEAM centers.

Drumming Time In Preschool - SES preschool classes had the opportunity to participate in a drumming class thanks to Tasha Starkey, owner of Fun Fitness with Tasha and Terri Schindler. Students and staff enjoyed the fitness class and showed off their drumming skills!!! Thank you to Tasha and Terri for visiting the SES preschool classes!!!

Due to forecasted severe weather, all TC Schools after school activities for Thursday, 4-11-24 are canceled. Be safe & weather aware!

WVBE Policy 3234 permits WV school districts to submit a plan to use up to five Non-Traditional Instruction Days when students are not receiving instruction within the school facility. We are requesting parent/guardian input in continuing the use of "Snow Packets" in Tyler County instead of adding additional instructional days to the end of the school year.
Please complete the following, brief survey: https://forms.office.com/r/P7Rd6c6J6C

The 5th grade students at SES learned about the eclipse by watching it during the day and class activities.

Ms. Looney & Mrs. Lantz's class were excited to learn all about the eclipse yesterday. They created the moon going over the sun art piece then watched it in real time on the smart board.

Congratulations to Wyatt Owens on his 2nd Place win for the West Virginia Farm Bureau poster contest! Wyatt was honored at their recent banquet for his "Agriculture in West Virginia" drawing. SES is very proud of you, Wyatt!