Thank you, Ms. Swiger, for everything you do!

Check out this FREE resource for families!
World Vision is excited to provide you and your students with a FREE virtual library through our partnership with World Reader. The BookSmart virtual library allows your students (and their families) to self-select age-appropriate books, set goals for classroom reading, and encourage families to adopt a family reading culture.

Don't forget about the long weekend for Tyler County Schools! There will be no school on Friday 2/28 or Monday 3/3. Enjoy the weekend!

No School Friday, February 28th and Monday, March 3rd

Jackie Mace visited preschool at SES to "show off" and educate our students and staff on quails. She brought in several quails to show the students and their eggs. Jackie also did a read aloud to the students and created coloring packets for all of them. Thank you Jackie for taking the time to visit our preschool students!

**Calendar Update**
June 3rd and 4th are now instructional days, with June 4th being the last day for students.
Additionally, planned power outages of approximately 4 hours each day are planned for Tyler Consolidated on Friday 2/28 and Monday 3/3 to allow the construction crews to work on electrical systems. This outage will ONLY affect Tyler Consolidated.

Fourth Grade celebrated Valentine's Day with some fun STEM activities last Friday.

---Board Meeting Update---
TCHS LSIC Presentation
TCMS LSIC Presentation
(Local School Improvement Council)
If you are attending the board meeting tonight please enter the building through Door 18 (Side Custodian Entrance) or Doors 3 & 4 (MS Front Student Stair Entry).
All delegations must sign up by 6:45pm
Meeting can also be viewed live @ https://youtube.com/live/FtwYpPYU61U?feature=share

The Title I Family Fun Night scheduled for Tuesday February 18, 2025, at Sistersville Elementary School has been cancelled and has been rescheduled for Thursday, March 6th at 6:00pm.

Super Bowl Pics

Super Bowl Pics

Super Bowl Pics

Super Bowl Pics

Super Bowl Pics at SES

SES's Super Bowl Friday

More pics from SES's Super Bowl Friday.

SES had a student council sponsored Beat the Winter Blues last week. Each day had a fun theme. Friday was Super Bowl Friday at SES. Students could wear any football shirt or their favorite team's colors. Teachers planned several activities throughout the week that focused on a football theme. Activities that were developed covered skills in the areas of math, reading, writing, geography, STEAM, and art. Students and staff enjoyed the week. A big THANK YOU to Miss Butcher and the SES student council!😊

This week is National School Counselor's Week. SES would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to all the school counselors who work in Tyler County Schools. SES would like to extend a special THANKS to Wendy Carpenter who serves as the school counselor for both of elementary schools in our county. She exhibits genuine compassion for all of our students, our families, and staff members. THANK YOU for all that you do on a daily basis. We appreciate you more than you know!!!💕

Preschool celebrated their Super Bowl Day on Thursday with special activities.

Lance enjoyed the jumbo tiles with Mrs. Stearne's preschool class!