Tyler County Schools 2023-2024 School Calendar
over 1 year ago, TCS InfoDesk
Teacher and Staff Appreciation - Tuesday Thank you to the following sponsors for supporting the SES staff on May 9th: Jason Lynch Owner of Friendly Pizza Company/Lynch Hospitality Group Friendly Place and Shannon Anderson owner of State Farm in Sistersville.
over 1 year ago, Krista DeVaughn
Friendly Pizza
State Farm
Teacher and Staff Appreciation - Monday Thank you to the following sponsors for supporting the SES staff on May 8th: Subway of Sistersville, IGA, Riverfront Athletics, The Buchannon Family, The Meeks Family, The Warner Family and Tyler County Education Association.
over 1 year ago, Krista DeVaughn
Sistersille Elementary School's phones may be out for the next 48 hours. Our IT Department has been in touch with Frontier Communications & they are working on the issue. Please use the 304-758-8535 number or email pamela.creighton@k12.wv.us in the interim. Again, we are sorry for the inconvenience.
over 1 year ago, Pam Creighton
Sistersville Elementary School phones aren't working. Please call 304-758-8535 as an alternate number in the interim. This number will ring directly into the school. We apologize for any inconvenience.
over 1 year ago, Pam Creighton
May 8-12, 2023 is TEACHER & STAFF APPRECIATION WEEK!!! I would like to take this opportunity to share how much I appreciate the staff at SES. This staff consistently goes above and beyond for our students each and every day. Your efforts are noticed and greatly appreciated. Thank you for all that you do to support our students, their families and each other!!! Sincerely, Krista DeVaughn Principal at SES
over 1 year ago, Krista DeVaughn
Staff Appreciation 2023
Ms. Roberts & Mrs. Smith's 5th Grade class enjoyed their field trip to St. Clair Lanes to bowl & the park afterwards. Looks like there was a great time had by all!
over 1 year ago, Pam Creighton
The phone at Sistersville Elementary School phone isn't operating at this time. Please email Ms. Pam at pamela.creighton@k12.wv.us if you need to make end of the day plans or have any other questions or concerns. Students will dismiss at noon today with 12:20 being parent pick up. Thank you for your patience as our IT team & phone company work to resolve the issue.
almost 2 years ago, Pam Creighton
The staff at SES would like to wish all of our students and their families a safe and enjoyable spring break. Happy Easter to all off our families!!!
almost 2 years ago, Krista DeVaughn
Happy Easter
Mrs. Looney's class participates in an Easter Egg Hunt!!!
almost 2 years ago, Krista DeVaughn
Looney Before Hunt
Looney After Hunt
SES choir has a dress rehearsal during school before the concert Monday, April 4, 2023 at 6:00. Everyone is welcome to attend!!!
almost 2 years ago, Krista DeVaughn
Choir Dress Rehearsal
Tomorrow, Wednesday 4/5, Tyler County Schools will dismiss 3 hours early. Spring break will continue through 4/16. Students will return to school on 4/17. Enjoy the break!
almost 2 years ago, TCS InfoDesk
New student enrollment is open for the 2023-2024 school year!
almost 2 years ago, TCS InfoDesk
WATCH LIVE!: 2023 Peoples Bank Academic Achievement Awards https://www.youtube.com/live/CflEobrvxPc?feature=share
almost 2 years ago, Technology
Everyone is welcome to attend the ARTS NIGHT at SES on Tuesday, April 4, 2023 at 6:00. The art show will be displayed throughout the building and the spring choir concert will take place in the gym.
almost 2 years ago, Krista DeVaughn
Art Show and Choir Concert
Everyone is invited to the ARTS NIGHT at SES on Tuesday, March 4th, 2023 beginning at 6:00. The art show will be displayed throughout the building and the spring choir concert will take place in the gymnasium.
almost 2 years ago, Krista DeVaughn
SES Art Show and Spring Choir Concernt
Please be aware that a variety of scammers post comments on TC Schools' posts. Some of the most recent scam comments are in the attached image. While we try to keep up with deleting these types of posts, we cannot catch them all. Please do not click on any scam comment. If you have any questions, call the TC Tech department at 304-758-9000.
almost 2 years ago, TCS InfoDesk
Beginning Monday, phone calls will go out around 10:15 AM each day to students who were marked as unexcused. If you have questions or concerns, please call your child's school.
almost 2 years ago, TCS InfoDesk
Please take a moment to answer this one-question survey regarding "snow packets." Thank you! https://forms.office.com/r/ATymYE0wuj
almost 2 years ago, TCS InfoDesk
Looking for a new career? Jobs for the 2023-24 school year will be posted on 3/21. Contact the Board Office at 304-758-2145 with questions.
almost 2 years ago, TCS InfoDesk